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access the right or ability to enter, look at, or use something. [1/4 definitions]
admission the act of letting someone enter something, or the condition of being allowed to enter. [2 definitions]
admit to let in; allow to enter. [1/2 definitions]
admittance permission to enter; right of entry.
apply to make a formal request, often for employment or permission to enter an institution. [1/2 definitions]
ballot a piece of paper on which people who are voting enter their choices. [1/3 definitions]
barge in to enter or interrupt in a rude or clumsy way.
barker1 a person who stands at the entrance to a carnival, show, or the like, loudly encouraging people to buy tickets to enter. [1/2 definitions]
bill1 to enter, list, or make (a statement of costs) for. [1/7 definitions]
board to enter or climb into or on. [1/9 definitions]
book to list or enter in a book. [2/13 definitions]
bracero a Mexican laborer allowed to enter the United States temporarily in order to perform seasonal or migrant work.
break in to enter by force and illegally. [1/2 definitions]
break into to enter by force.
calendar to enter on a calendar. [1/4 definitions]
catalog to enter items into a catalog, or to create a catalog. [1/5 definitions]
cave a large, natural hole in rock or under the earth. A cave is big enough for a person or animal to enter.
challenge an invitation to join a fight or competition. [2/3 definitions]
come to arrive or enter. [1/3 definitions]
come in to enter a room or a building. [1/4 definitions]
come on to enter a stage or a set in order to perform. [1/7 definitions]