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amuse to hold the interest of in a pleasant way; entertain. [1/2 definitions]
amusing able to amuse, divert, or entertain. [1/2 definitions]
circus a show that travels from town to town to entertain people. Performers do acts that are funny or amaze people. Often there are trained animals too.
fete to honor or entertain (someone) with a fete. [1/3 definitions]
fool a person whose job was to entertain people by acting in a funny or foolish way for a king or noble; jester. [1/6 definitions]
geisha a Japanese woman who is trained as a dancer, musician, and conversationalist, and who is paid to entertain and provide companionship for men.
gladiator a man in ancient Rome who fought other men or animals, often to the death, to entertain an audience.
magic tricks that entertain by suggesting mysterious control. [1/2 definitions]
minstrel a musician and poet who traveled from place to place to entertain people during the Middle Ages. [1/2 definitions]
puppeteer someone who manipulates puppets to entertain others.
regale to entertain or delight, as with humorous tales. [2/3 definitions]
wine and dine to entertain, as by treating to a lavish dinner and drinks.