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Dictionary Suite
act a single performance, usu. by a musician, comedian, or other entertainer, sometimes as part of a larger program of performances. [1/14 definitions]
booking an engagement for the performance of a musician or other entertainer. [1/2 definitions]
chanteuse a female singer, esp. a cabaret entertainer.
comedian a professional entertainer who specializes in telling jokes, acting in humorous skits, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
comedienne a female entertainer who specializes in humor. [1/2 definitions]
comic a comedian, esp. a professional entertainer specializing in comedy. [1/6 definitions]
drawing card something or someone, such as a well-known entertainer, that attracts a large audience, patronage, or the like.
fan club an organization of fans of a particular entertainer, sports team, or other famous entity. Members of a fan club are primarily linked by mail or e-mail.
manager one who oversees the business affairs of an entertainer. [1/3 definitions]
minstrel an entertainer in a type of musical comedy show characterized by white performers with blackened faces. [1/3 definitions]
one-night stand an engagement for a single performance in one place by an entertainer, speaker, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ropewalker one who walks or performs on a tightrope, esp. a paid entertainer; tightrope walker.
routine a set piece that is often or regularly performed by an entertainer such as a nightclub comedian. [1/7 definitions]
showgirl a chorus girl or similar entertainer, often elaborately costumed, who appears in a nightclub act or similar performance for primarily decorative purposes.
snake charmer an entertainer who controls snakes, esp. venomous ones, by rhythmic music and bodily movements.
spellbinder someone or something that holds attention as if by a spell, such as a compelling orator or entertainer, or a fascinating book.
straight man an actor or entertainer who serves as a comedian's foil, usu. delivering lines to which the comedian responds with a joke.
tummler an entertainer or social director who encourages participation by guests or audience. [1/2 definitions]