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Dictionary Suite
act a short performance, or one part of a whole performance, of music, dance, or other entertainment. [1/4 definitions]
amusement something that amuses or diverts; entertainment. [1/3 definitions]
amusement park an outdoor place with games, rides, and other forms of entertainment.
amusing able to give entertainment. [1/2 definitions]
ballet a theatrical performance of such dance, accompanied by music and intended for entertainment. [1/4 definitions]
bonfire a large, outdoor fire, often made for entertainment or warmth.
box office the receipts from a play, concert, or other entertainment. [1/3 definitions]
busk to play music, sing, or otherwise perform for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
busker a person who plays music, sings, or otherwise performs for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
busking the activity of playing music, singing, or otherwise performing for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
cabaret a nightclub or restaurant that provides food, liquor, and live entertainment.
canteen a place of entertainment and recreation for enlisted military personnel. [1/3 definitions]
casino a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, esp. gambling games. [1/3 definitions]
cater to supply food, service, or entertainment, esp. off the main business premises. [1/3 definitions]
clip joint (slang) a business, esp. a place of entertainment, that charges excessive prices.
club a place for evening entertainment where there is usually music, food, and drinks with alcohol. [1/4 definitions]
coliseum a large building or theater used for entertainment events and sports.
comedy an amusing occurrence or situation, or an entertainment based on such. [1/4 definitions]
cover charge a fixed amount charged by nightclubs and restaurants in addition to the price of food and drink, often used to defray the cost of live entertainment or music.
divertissement an amusement or entertainment; diversion. [1/2 definitions]
dog fighting the fighting between dogs that is arranged by humans so that the competition can be watched for entertainment and/or betted upon. The bringing of dogs together to fight is an illegal activity in all U.S. states and many other regions of the world.