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academe the academic environment or life.
adventive not native to or fully established in a locale or environment, as a plant or animal. [2 definitions]
air quality the degree that the air in a particular environment contains pollution.
ambiance the distinctive character or mood of an environment; atmosphere. [2 definitions]
amid surrounded by; in the environment of; in the middle of.
antipollution designed to decrease or stop pollution of the environment. [1/2 definitions]
biomass the total amount of living things in a particular environment, measured by mass per unit of area or volume.
biome the community of living things that inhabit a particular environment. [1/2 definitions]
chameleon a lizard that is able to change its skin color to match its environment.
cold low temperature in the environment. [1/4 definitions]
condition (pl.) circumstances or features of one's environment, esp. as they have an impact on or determine a particular activity or process. [1/9 definitions]
convergence in biology, the development of similar structures in unrelated species living in the same environment. [1/4 definitions]
DDT a powerful pesticide, insoluble in water, currently restricted in the United States because of adverse effects on the environment; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.
earth-friendly of or pertaining to a product or process that causes minimal harm to the environment.
ecesis the establishment of an immigrant plant or animal in a new locality or environment.
eco- habitat; environment; household.
ecocide the destruction of the environment or of ecological systems by indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, dumping of chemical wastes, the use of defoliants and pollutants, and the like.
eco-friendly designed to cause as little damage to the natural environment as possible.
ecosystem a community of living things, together with their environment.
ecotourism recreational travel to areas of natural or ecological interest carried out in a manner that respects the visited environment.
element a compatible environment. [2/6 definitions]