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AC2 abbreviation of "athletic club," a club that provides athletic equipment and sports-related services to its members.
accouter to provide with equipment, esp. military equipment.
accouterment (often pl.) one's outfit or equipment, esp. that of a soldier, exclusive of arms and uniform. [1/2 definitions]
agribusiness large-scale industrial agriculture and related activities such as food-processing, equipment manufacture, and marketing.
airline a system of transportation that allows people to fly from one place to another, or a business that owns and operates the equipment to do this.
airstrip a landing strip or cleared area where aircraft land or take off; runway. An airstrip usually is not paved and does not have the workers or equipment of an airport.
apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
appliance a piece of equipment that people use to help them do work at home. Ovens and refrigerators are some kinds of appliances.
appurtenance (pl.) equipment or instruments used for a given purpose; gear. [1/2 definitions]
armored having or including armor-plated equipment, such as tanks. [1/2 definitions]
armory a place where weapons and other military equipment are made or stored.
arsenal a building used for the storage or manufacture of weapons, munitions, and other military equipment; armory. [1/3 definitions]
AWACS an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System").
balloon such a bag with a basket or gondola connected to it, used to transport passengers or scientific equipment. [1/8 definitions]
barbecue the piece of equipment that is used to cook a meal outside. [1/3 definitions]
barn a large building on a farm where you keep equipment or animals and their food.
bellows anything with folding sides that resembles this device, such as an accordion or certain types of photographic equipment. [1/3 definitions]
bloodmobile a mobile unit carrying medical equipment for collecting blood from donors for a blood bank.
broad-gauge of or pertaining to railroad equipment used on a broad gauge. [1/2 definitions]
bulldozer a tractorlike piece of heavy equipment that pushes or lifts soil or debris with a vertical blade attached to the front.
calisthenics exercises to promote strength and flexibility, done without special equipment. [1/2 definitions]