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accurate free of mistakes or error. [1/2 definitions]
accusation a statement that another person is guilty of a crime or error.
anachronism the representation of something as existing or happening at a time when that thing did not exist or happen, or a similar presentation done in error. [1/2 definitions]
apologetic expressing or wanting to express regret, as for an error or an offense.
apologize to express regret, as for an error or an offense. [1/2 definitions]
apology an expression of regret, as for an error or offense. [1/2 definitions]
atone to make reparation for a sin, crime, error, or the like (usu. fol. by "for"). [2 definitions]
ballpark (informal) approximately correct; with some margin for error. [1/2 definitions]
base hit in baseball, a hit that allows the batter to get on base safely, without an error or force-out being made.
blooper esp. in radio and television, an embarrassing or amusing error in speech or action. [1/2 definitions]
boner a stupid or foolish error; blunder.
clinker2 (slang) any error, esp. a misplayed note in a musical performance. [1/2 definitions]
correct without mistake or error. [1/5 definitions]
correctly in the correct or proper way; without error.
corrigendum an error, esp. in print, indicated along with its correction. [1/2 definitions]
defect a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [1/3 definitions]
defective having a flaw, error, or other imperfection. [1/2 definitions]
deprogram to convince of the error of recently acquired beliefs, esp. those of a religious cult, by coercive means such as kidnapping, deprivation of sleep, and long interrogation and argumentation.
errant deviating from the established or proper course; in error. [1/2 definitions]
erratum an error in printing, often noted and corrected in an addendum that is printed afterwards and inserted in new printings of the book or article.
erroneous containing or based on error; incorrect; mistaken.