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caballero a lady's escort. [1/3 definitions]
color guard those who carry and escort a country's flag or several colored flags in a parade or ceremony.
convoy the troops, ships, or the like serving as a protective escort. [1/5 definitions]
corvette a small, swift, lightly armed ship, used esp. as an escort. [1/2 definitions]
escort to act as an escort for. [2/3 definitions]
esquire to accompany or escort in public. [1/4 definitions]
frigate a maneuverable warship used for escort. [1/2 definitions]
marshal to escort or lead (someone), esp. in a formal manner. [1/8 definitions]
outrider one who rides before a vehicle, wagon train, procession, or the like as a scout, guide, or escort. [1/2 definitions]
safe-conduct the privilege of passing unmolested through a particular region, such as a contested area in wartime, or the document or escort authorizing such passage. [1/2 definitions]
squire to escort (a woman), as to a grand social occasion. [1/6 definitions]
take to transport or escort. [1/36 definitions]
take out to escort (a person or animal) for a walk or to a place, sometimes with the object of treating them to something like a meal or a form of recreation. [1/3 definitions]
usher to lead, escort, or show (usually followed by "into," "in," "out," or "to"). [1/2 definitions]