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air-dry to allow to dry by the process of evaporation into the air rather than by the use of an appliance. [2 definitions]
effloresce in chemistry, to become powdery or crystalline by chemical change or by evaporation upon exposure to air. [1/2 definitions]
entrain2 of a substance, to bring along (another substance), as in precipitation or evaporation. [1/3 definitions]
evapotranspiration the transfer of moisture from the soil to the atmosphere through the dual processes of evaporation and plant transpiration. [1/2 definitions]
harvest to collect (rainwater and/or condensation droplets) for local use, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation. [1/11 definitions]
inspissate to thicken, as by evaporation; condense.
mulch a loose thin cover, esp. of organic matter such as leaves or manure, placed over or around the base of plants and shrubs to control evaporation, freezing, or weeds, or to fertilize the roots. [1/2 definitions]
water harvesting the collecting of rainwater and/or condensation droplets for use locally, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation.