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afternoon the period between noon and evening. [2 definitions]
bonsoir (French) good evening (used as a greeting or farewell).
Christmas Eve the evening or day before Christmas.
close down (chiefly British) to stop broadcasting for the evening. [1/5 definitions]
daytime the time between dawn and evening.
dine to eat a meal, especially the evening meal or an elegant one as part of a social occasion. [1/3 definitions]
dining the activity of eating a meal, esp. the evening meal or an elegant one.
dinner jacket a man's semiformal jacket for evening wear; tuxedo. [1/2 definitions]
dress suit a man's formal evening attire.
e'en contracted form of "evening" (used chiefly in literature). [1/2 definitions]
eve (sometimes cap.) the evening or day before a special day such as a holiday. [2/3 definitions]
evenfall the beginning of evening; dusk.
evening dress formal or semiformal clothing worn in the evening. (Cf. morning dress.)
evenings regularly in the evening.
evensong (usu. cap.) a Roman Catholic or Anglican Church worship service of prayer or song, held in the evening. [2/3 definitions]
eventide evening.
formal a formal dress, esp. an evening gown. [1/9 definitions]
gloaming late evening; dusk; twilight.
good evening used to say hello or good-bye during the evening.
Last Supper according to the New Testament, the last meal of Jesus Christ and his disciples on the evening before the Crucifixion; Lord's Supper. [1/2 definitions]
late of an advanced hour, esp. of the night or evening. [1/7 definitions]