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anatomy the dissection of an organism, allowing examination of its various structures. [1/4 definitions]
a priori before or without analysis or examination. [1/3 definitions]
arteriography examination of the arteries by x-ray after injection with a radiopaque dye.
arthroscopy examination of or minor surgery on a joint using an arthroscope.
assay an analysis or examination, esp. of an ore, metal, or drug, to determine its composition, quality, or potency. [1/8 definitions]
audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination. [1/4 definitions]
autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
barium sulfate an opaque insoluble white powder that is used as a pigment in paints and a filler for plastics and textiles, and is swallowed as a diagnostic aid in x-ray examination of the stomach and intestines.
bioscopy the medical examination of a body to establish whether it is dead or alive.
canvass a close examination or detailed discussion. [1/8 definitions]
catechism a series of questions and answers used as an examination or for giving basic instruction in a subject. [1/2 definitions]
checkout an inspection or examination, esp. of machinery in order to determine whether it is functioning properly. [1/4 definitions]
checkup An examination of a person or thing to discover if there are any problems.
colonoscopy examination of the colon with a flexible, fiber-optic instrument inserted into the rectum.
comp2 (informal) a comprehensive examination, as at the end of an academic year, covering all work included in a course during that period of time.
comprehensive of an examination, covering an entire field or program of study and qualifying one for a particular degree or rank. [2/3 definitions]
contemplation thoughtful reflection or examination; act of contemplating. [1/2 definitions]
cram to fill with more than can be easily held. [3 definitions]
crib (informal) written information used illicitly by a student, as during an examination; pony. [2/12 definitions]
cross-question a question asked in a cross-examination. [1/2 definitions]
deconstruction an analytical examination of something, esp. to reveal inadequacies. [1/2 definitions]