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Amex abbreviation of "American Stock Exchange."
ASE abbreviation of "American Stock Exchange."
au pair (French) a girl or woman who works for a family, usu. in a foreign country, in exchange for room and board. [1/2 definitions]
bandy to exchange or pass back and forth between two or more people, often competitively. [1/4 definitions]
bargain an agreement that contains the terms of a transaction or exchange. [5/3 definitions]
barter to trade or exchange without the use of money. [1/3 definitions]
basis point a unit equal to one hundredth of one percent, used in economics and finance to measure exchange rates, interest rates, and the like.
book club a commercial enterprise that sells or lends books to subscribers, usu. at a discount in exchange for a specified minimum purchase.
bourse a stock exchange of a European city, esp. of Paris, France.
buy to obtain in exchange for money; purchase. [2/7 definitions]
buyer one who obtains something in exchange for money.
buy off to give money in exchange for cooperation, silence, or noninterference; bribe.
cartel a written agreement between warring governments, esp. for an exchange of prisoners. [1/2 definitions]
cash to exchange for money in the form of bills and coins. [1/2 definitions]
cash discount a discount on merchandise given in exchange for payment within a stipulated period, or the amount or percentage of the discount.
chaffer haggling or bargaining over an exchange. [1/4 definitions]
change money in smaller bills or coins in exchange for a larger bill or coin. [1/7 definitions]
chat to exchange written messages instantly with one or more people by typing on a computer or phone, usually using the internet. [3/7 definitions]
closed-end investment company an investment company that issues a fixed number of shares in large blocks, at infrequent intervals, which are traded on an exchange.
commerce the exchange of goods or services for money; business transactions. [1/2 definitions]
commercial paper any of various negotiable papers, such as bills of exchange, used in business transactions.