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bowel movement the matter thus evacuated; excrement; feces. [1/2 definitions]
dirt any unclean substance such as mud, bits of dirt, dust, or excrement. [1/5 definitions]
dung solid excrement; feces, esp. nonhuman. [1/2 definitions]
feces animal waste excreted from the intestines through the anus; excrement.
flyspeck a small spot or speck made by a fly's excrement. [1/3 definitions]
guano the nitrogen-rich excrement of sea birds or bats, used as fertilizer. [1/2 definitions]
night soil fertilizer composed of human excrement.
ordure solid excrement; dung.
scat3 animal excrement.
scatology extreme interest in excretion, excrement, or obscenity. [3 definitions]
soil2 manure; excrement. [1/6 definitions]
waste residual material eliminated from the body after the digestion of food; excrement. [1/18 definitions]