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alibi (informal) an excuse. [1/2 definitions]
apheresis the dropping or omission of a letter, sound, or the like at the beginning of a word, as in "scuse" for "excuse".
cover (informal) to protect someone from punishment or censure by providing an excuse or alibi (usu. fol. by "for"). [1/21 definitions]
defense an explanation or excuse for something. [1/3 definitions]
exempt to free from something that others are always required to do; excuse. [1/2 definitions]
forgive to excuse or not be angry with someone.
let off to release from punishment or something unpleasant; excuse.
make allowance (or allowances) for to be lenient toward (someone) due to knowing and understanding why a certain behavior has occurred; excuse; pardon. [1/2 definitions]
make up to invent (a story, excuse, or the like) using one's mind. [1/4 definitions]
overlook to excuse; pardon. [1/4 definitions]
pardon to forgive or excuse (some act or behavior). [1/7 definitions]
plea an excuse. [1/3 definitions]
plead to present as defense, excuse, or justification. [1/5 definitions]
poormouth to complain about one's lack of funds or other resources, sometimes as an excuse. [1/2 definitions]
pretense a false or deceptive show, claim, or excuse. [1/4 definitions]
rationalization the act or process of accounting for one's behavior, events, or the like, with seemingly reasonable and logical explanations which are actually self-serving attempts to excuse or justify.
sob story a sad, often false story given as an explanation or excuse. [1/2 definitions]
think of to use the mind to invent (an example, excuse, idea, suggestion, or the like); think up. [1/3 definitions]
think up to use the mind to invent (a story, excuse, or the like).