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collapse to suddenly lose strength or health because of disease or exhaustion. [1/5 definitions]
heat prostration see "heat exhaustion."
inanition a state of exhaustion caused by a lack of nourishment. [1/2 definitions]
neurasthenia a condition of exhaustion, confusion, and depression resulting from profound mental or emotional strain; nervous breakdown.
out into a state of loss or exhaustion. [1/29 definitions]
overdo to bring to the point of exhaustion; wear out. [2/4 definitions]
phew a breathy exhalation used to express exhaustion, relief, disgust, or surprise.
plague a highly contagious and usually fatal disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis in which victims suffer high fever, chills, and severe exhaustion. [1/6 definitions]
prostration severe physical or emotional exhaustion. [1/2 definitions]
punishing causing injury or exhaustion, usually by requiring strenuous physical effort. [1/2 definitions]
quaver to tremble or shake, as from exhaustion or illness. [1/6 definitions]
second wind the return of comparative ease in breathing, following a brief period of exhaustion, that often occurs during a physically demanding activity such as running. [1/2 definitions]
speechless unable to speak because of exhaustion, surprise, astonishment, or great emotion. [1/2 definitions]
the last straw the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
the straw that broke the camel's back the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
throb to beat, or feel one's blood beating, at an accelerated rate or level, as from emotion, exhaustion, stress, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
tremble to shake or quiver involuntarily, as from fear, exhaustion, or cold. [1/4 definitions]
wan unnaturally pale, as from illness or exhaustion. [1/3 definitions]
zonk (slang) to become unconscious from drugs, exhaustion, or the like (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/3 definitions]