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advent the arrival or coming to exist, esp. of something important. [1/2 definitions]
ageless appearing to exist forever; eternal. [1/2 definitions]
alien a living being from another planet; extraterrestrial. There is no evidence that aliens exist, but many people believe there is life on other planets. [1/5 definitions]
allotrope one of several forms in which a chemical element may exist.
anachronism the representation of something as existing or happening at a time when that thing did not exist or happen, or a similar presentation done in error. [1/2 definitions]
animism the belief that spiritual beings or souls can exist without a body to house them. [1/3 definitions]
be to live or exist. [1/6 definitions]
biosphere the part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms can exist.
bring about to cause to happen or exist.
charter an official document that a government gives to a business or other group. The charter states that the group has a right to exist and explains its purpose. [1/2 definitions]
coexist to exist together at the same time or place. [2 definitions]
come to exist in a specific place or position in relation to other things or persons. [2/12 definitions]
come through to continue to live or exist.
compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another. [1/2 definitions]
creation the act of creating or of causing something to exist. [1/2 definitions]
determinism the belief or teaching that every effect, including human thoughts and actions, is completely and predictably determined by preceding causes and that, therefore, free will does not exist.
disappear to exist no longer. [1/2 definitions]
endangered in danger of becoming extinct. When a type of animal is endangered, it means that few of these animals exist now, and it is possible that there will be no more of these animals in the future. [1/2 definitions]
endure to exist through time; last. [1/4 definitions]
environment the objects and conditions that exist in a place and influence how people feel and develop. [1/2 definitions]
establish to start or make something that did not exist before.