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Dictionary Suite
airtight preventing the entrance or exit of air. [1/2 definitions]
bus stop a point along a bus route where the bus will stop to allow passengers to board or exit.
conning tower a low enclosed observation tower on a submarine, used as the entrance and exit. [1/2 definitions]
cul-de-sac a passage whose only exit is the entrance, such as a dead-end street. [1/2 definitions]
drivethrough a window at which customers can do business with an establishment without getting out of their cars. A drive-through also consists of a special lane or lanes for the cars to access the window and to exit after completion of business. [1/3 definitions]
egress an act, instance, method, or place of exit or emergence. [2 definitions]
exitless combined form of exit.
exit ramp a short roadway that angles or curves off from a major highway, allowing cars to exit the highway without stopping or slowing traffic.
fire escape a metal stair or ladder used as an emergency exit in case of fire. Fire escapes are usually on the outside of buildings.
gate a passage for entrance or exit. [1/3 definitions]
go out to exit; leave a place temporarily. [1/6 definitions]
junction the British word for a point at which a vehicle may access or exit an expressway. [1/3 definitions]
log off to go through the steps required to exit a computer, database, or system. Logging off ends one's access to the system until one logs in again with user name and password.
log out to give the command to exit a digital account for which one has a user name and password.
overflow an outlet from which excess liquid may exit. [1/10 definitions]
passport any similar document that allows entrance to or exit from a nation for a person, vessel, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
ramp a movable staircase or walkway set against the doorway of a plane or boat for passengers to enter or exit. [2/7 definitions]
recessional a piece of music that accompanies the exit of participants in a program or religious ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
sentry a guard posted to prevent entry or exit by unauthorized persons, keep watch against dangers, or the like.
sign out to sign or write your name, along with the time, to show that you are finished and leaving an area, or to exit from a digital account.
turn off to exit a highway or the like. [1/3 definitions]