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amplify to expand upon or clarify, as by adding details or illustrations. [2/4 definitions]
bell to expand and take the shape of a bell. [1/4 definitions]
belly to expand or cause to expand, as with wind. [1/5 definitions]
branch out to expand into new activities, interests, or pursuits.
dilate to make wider or larger; enlarge; expand. [1/3 definitions]
enlarge to cause to have a greater range or capacity; expand. [1/5 definitions]
escalate to expand, intensify, or increase. [1/2 definitions]
expandable combined form of expand.
expansive having the potential to expand. [1/4 definitions]
explode to expand or increase suddenly, sharply, and usu. unexpectedly. [1/7 definitions]
grow to increase or expand. [1/8 definitions]
inflate to make larger or expand. [1/2 definitions]
leavening an agent such as yeast or baking powder that causes the formation of carbon dioxide gas in batter or dough, causing it to expand and rise. [1/2 definitions]
Manifest Destiny the nineteenth century belief that justified American imperialistic expansion by asserting that it was the destiny and duty of the United States to expand its territory throughout North America.
nor used to continue or expand a negative statement. [1/2 definitions]
open to spread out or expand. [1/16 definitions]
overexpand combined form of expand.
ramp up to cause (something) to increase or expand. [1/2 definitions]
reach to extend or expand as far as. [1/13 definitions]
resurrection plant any of several plants, such as the rose of Jericho, that curl up during dry periods and expand and become green again when they get water.
spread to open, expand, or unfold. [1/18 definitions]