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account an explanation of conduct. [1/16 definitions]
accountable responsible for providing a credible and respectable explanation or justification, esp. of one's own actions (usu. fol. by "for" or "to"). [2 definitions]
analysis an explanation or interpretation; presentation of the results of separating and scrutinizing. [1/4 definitions]
apologetic giving a formal explanation or defense, as of actions, beliefs, or motives. [1/2 definitions]
apologia a formal, often lengthy, explanation and defense of one's actions, beliefs, or motives.
apologize to make in speech or writing a formal explanation and defense, as of one's actions, beliefs, or motives. [1/2 definitions]
apology a formal explanation and defense in speech or writing of one's actions, beliefs, or motives. [1/2 definitions]
brief to share or tell by means of a short explanation. [1/5 definitions]
caveat a qualification or explanation given to prevent misunderstanding of what is being said. [1/3 definitions]
challenge a calling into question; request for an explanation or proof. [1/6 definitions]
colon1 a punctuation mark (:). It is often used to introduce a series, quotation, or explanation.
comment to write a note of criticism or explanation about a text. [1/8 definitions]
cover letter a letter of explanation enclosed with a document, package, or the like.
cover story (informal) a fictitious identity, purpose, or the like used to provide a plausible explanation for and conceal one's actual activities; alibi. [1/2 definitions]
defense an explanation or excuse for something. [1/3 definitions]
descriptive characterized by classification and description rather than by explanation or interpretation, esp. in reference to fields of study. [1/2 definitions]
excuse to be the reason or cause for; serve as an explanation for. [2/5 definitions]
exegesis a critical explanation or interpretive analysis, esp. of religious texts.
explain to make a clarification or give an explanation. [1/5 definitions]
hit the nail on the head to find exactly the right solution, expression, or explanation.
hypothesis a proposed explanation that accounts for observed phenomena or known facts and that can be used to guide further investigation. [1/3 definitions]