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afterdamp a suffocating gas or mixture of gases that remains in a mine after a methane explosion or fire.
airburst an explosion of a bomb or shell before it touches the ground.
backfire a noisy explosion that occurs in a gasoline engine that is not working properly. [1/3 definitions]
big bang theory the theory that the universe originated at a fixed point billions of years ago in a cosmic explosion of a mass of hydrogen atoms, and that it has been expanding ever since. (Cf. steady state theory.)
blast a loud and sudden sound. [3 definitions]
blow2 to become destroyed or dysfunctional because of an explosion or overload. [1/14 definitions]
blowup an explosion. [1/3 definitions]
blow up to destroy or be destroyed through an explosion. [1/2 definitions]
boom1 a deep, hollow sound, as from an explosion. [1/4 definitions]
burst an act of bursting; explosion. [1/7 definitions]
crater a similar depression in the surface of the earth or other heavenly bodies caused by the impact of falling meteorites or the explosion of a mine or bomb. [1/3 definitions]
explosive able to cause an explosion. [2 definitions]
fallout the radioactive particles that fall from a nuclear explosion.
fireball the white-hot center of a nuclear explosion. [1/4 definitions]
firestorm an intense, widespread fire, caused by heavy conventional bombing or by an atomic explosion. [1/2 definitions]
flash burn damage to body tissue from extreme radiated heat, esp. from a nuclear explosion.
fulmination an explosion. [1/2 definitions]
fuse1 any device used to set off an explosion.
hydrogen bomb a very powerful type of bomb. When its hydrogen atoms are forced together under great heat and pressure, they release energy in a huge explosion.
light off to set fire to (fireworks or the like) in order to cause an explosion, usually for the purpose of entertainment.
megadeath a million dead people, as in a nuclear explosion.