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atomic of, relating to, or resulting from bombs whose explosive power comes from a series of reactions beginning with the fission of the nuclei of certain atoms. [1/3 definitions]
atomic bomb an extremely destructive weapon, the explosive power of which derives from the immense amount of energy suddenly released when the nuclei of uranium 235 or plutonium atoms are split; atom bomb.
backfire to give off a loud explosive noise that means the engine of a car or other vehicle is not working properly. [1/3 definitions]
bang a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [2/5 definitions]
blast the explosive material used for an explosion. [1/12 definitions]
bomb to throw or drop an explosive object on. [1/8 definitions]
booby trap a bomb or other explosive device that is well-hidden and wired to explode upon being touched or triggered by an unsuspecting person. [1/2 definitions]
cap1 a dot of explosive powder contained in paper for use in a toy pistol. [1/5 definitions]
cartridge a tubular case for an explosive charge or bullet. [1/4 definitions]
cherry bomb a round, red, very explosive firecracker.
chug a short, repetitive, explosive sound, esp. that made by a slow-moving locomotive. [1/3 definitions]
clap a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [1/11 definitions]
cordite a smokeless, slow-burning explosive formed into the shape of a cord, used in some ammunition.
cyclonite an insoluble, crystalline, nitrogen compound used as an explosive or as rat poison.
defuse to remove the fuse from (a bomb, mine, or other explosive device). [1/2 definitions]
detonator an explosive substance. [1/2 definitions]
dynamite a strong explosive. Dynamite has many uses, including blasting through rock to make roads, tunnels, and mines. [1/3 definitions]
eruptive tending to emerge violently; explosive. [1/3 definitions]
firedamp an extremely explosive gas found in coal mines and composed primarily of methane.
fulminate one of several unstable explosive compounds, esp. the mercury salt of fulminic acid, used as a detonating powder. [1/4 definitions]
fuse1 a tube or the like, filled with a combustible substance used to detonate an explosive. [1/3 definitions]