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douse1 to turn off or extinguish (a light or flame). [1/4 definitions]
extinguishable combined form of extinguish.
fire extinguisher a portable device containing chemicals that can be sprayed on a fire to extinguish it.
lamplighter a person formerly employed to light and extinguish gas street lights. [1/2 definitions]
put out to extinguish (a light). [1/11 definitions]
quench to extinguish or put out. [1/2 definitions]
smother to put out or extinguish by covering. [1/5 definitions]
snuff2 to put out or extinguish (a burning candle or the like, often fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
snuffer2 a cuplike, or cone-shaped device with a handle used to extinguish burning candles. [1/3 definitions]
stub to extinguish (a cigar or cigarette) by pressing the end against something (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
trample to crush, destroy, or extinguish by or as if by treading underfoot (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]