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Dictionary Suite
abominable extremely unpleasant; disgusting. [1/2 definitions]
absurd extremely contrary to rational thought; illogical; ridiculous. [1/3 definitions]
abysmal extremely or deplorably bad; miserable. [1/2 definitions]
adamant any extremely hard, unbreakable, or impenetrable substance. [1/3 definitions]
Adonis (often l.c.) any young man who is extremely handsome. [1/2 definitions]
adorable utterly charming; extremely cute. [1/2 definitions]
Agent Orange an extremely toxic defoliant widely used by U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam War and now believed to cause cancer and birth defects.
aggressive extremely forceful or assertive. [1/2 definitions]
a little sometimes, but not extremely often. [1/5 definitions]
all-important extremely important; absolutely necessary; indispensable.
almighty (informal) extremely bad. [1/3 definitions]
alter ego an extremely close friend; one who is intimate. [1/2 definitions]
ancient extremely old; existing for many years. [1/4 definitions]
a piece of cake (informal) something extremely easy to do or accomplish.
archconservative an extremely conservative person, esp. with respect to political and social issues. [1/2 definitions]
arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
arsenic a tasteless, odorless, extremely poisonous white compound of arsenic and oxygen, used as a pesticide; arsenous acid; arsenic trioxide. [1/2 definitions]
ascetic extremely strict in religious observances involving self-denial and self-mortification. [1/3 definitions]
astonishing extremely surprising or amazing.
astounding causing tremendous surprise or wonder; extremely amazing.
Atacama Desert an extremely dry region of northern Chile that lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains.