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chariot any fairly elegant carriage. [1/3 definitions]
cherrystone the edible quahog clam when it is partly grown and still fairly small.
Dalmatian any of a breed of fairly large dogs that have short white hair spotted with black or liver color.
decent fairly good; satisfactory. [1/3 definitions]
fair1 in a just manner; fairly. [1/7 definitions]
flatland (often pl.) fairly flat terrain such as a valley or plains, as opposed to hilly or mountainous terrain.
folk music music originated, handed down, and played or sung by the common folk of a region or country, often fairly simple and repetitive in structure. [1/2 definitions]
garnet any of several fairly common, hard silicate minerals that occur in various colors and are sometimes used as abrasives and gems. [1/2 definitions]
good-sized fairly large; ample.
Homo erectus an extinct species of the human race that had a fairly small brain and an upright stance. (See Pithecanthropus.)
hyena any of several carnivorous, mostly nocturnal, doglike mammals of Africa and Asia that have strong jaws and fairly small hindquarters.
jug a fairly large, usu. earthenware, glass, or plastic container for liquid that has a handle and a narrow neck often closed by a stopper. [1/6 definitions]
Knickerbocker (pl.; l.c.) fairly loose, knee-length trousers gathered on each leg at a band just below the knee; knickers. [1/3 definitions]
knickers fairly loose, knee-length trousers gathered on each leg at a band just below the knee; knickerbockers. [1/3 definitions]
look around to search in various spots for something, often in a fairly casual way. [1/2 definitions]
luminesce to emit light at a fairly cold temperature; be or become luminescent.
middling (informal) only moderately; fairly. [1/4 definitions]
mobile home a movable house without a permanent foundation but able to be placed and connected to utilities fairly permanently.
money-market fund a mutual fund whose investments are of a short-term nature and consist of commercial paper or treasury bills, usu. giving a fairly high interest rate.
old style a style of print type originating in the eighteenth century, in which the letters had a fairly uniform narrowness and slanting serifs. [1/2 definitions]
pal (informal) a fairly close friend. [1/2 definitions]