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apologetics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of theology dealing with the defense and proof of a religious faith, esp. Christianity.
apostate a person who abandons his or her religious faith, principles, cause, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
Apostles' Creed a profession of faith in Christianity that is popularly attributed to Jesus Christ's apostles and often spoken as part of some worship services.
assured having faith in oneself; confident. [1/2 definitions]
Baptist a member of a Christian sect that believes in baptism of adults by immersion, following a profession of faith. [1/2 definitions]
bat mitzvah in the Jewish faith, a ceremony in which it is recognized that a girl has come of age to accept her religious responsibilities. [1/2 definitions]
bona fide in good faith; honest; sincere. [1/2 definitions]
canon law the body of rules governing the faith and practice of certain Christian churches.
Catholicism the theological and moral doctrines, the faith, and the ecclesiastical practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
communion a fellowship, esp. one based on a common religious faith and practice. [1/3 definitions]
confession a formal avowal of faith in church doctrine. [1/4 definitions]
confessor a person who confesses faith in and adherence to Christianity in the face of persecution. [1/3 definitions]
confide to disclose (private matters) in good faith to another. [1/2 definitions]
confidence a sense of trust or faith in a person or thing.
confident having trust or faith; sure that something will happen.
cynical showing little or no faith in human nature; distrustful or contemptuous of others' motives. [1/2 definitions]
disaffection an absence or loss of good will, faith, or loyalty, esp. toward a government, principle, or the like.
discouraging causing one to lose hope, faith, or enthusiasm.
distrust to lack faith or confidence in; to doubt. [2 definitions]
evangelical being or relating to a Protestant church that emphasizes the authority of the Bible rather than that of the church as an institution, and the primacy of faith as opposed to works. [1/4 definitions]
ex cathedra (Latin) from the chair; with the authority of one's office or rank (used esp. of statements from the pope regarding faith and morals).