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Aeneas the Trojan hero of the Aeneid, who survives the fall of Troy, wanders for seven years, and becomes the founder of Rome.
Aeneid an epic poem by Virgil that tells of the adventures of Aeneas from the fall of Troy to his founding of Rome.
assort to fall into the same class or group; be matched. [1/2 definitions]
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter; fall.
avalanche to fall or come down suddenly, as in an avalanche. [1/4 definitions]
baby tooth one of the first set of teeth in human babies and other mammals. Baby teeth fall out early in life to be replaced by adult teeth.
bear2 one who believes that prices will fall in a particular market such as the stock market, esp. one who sells on the basis of this expectation. (Cf. bull1.) [1/5 definitions]
belly-flop to fall or drop oneself heavily down on one's belly, as onto a bed. [1/3 definitions]
boil down to to become (something) in the end, after all other things fall away. [1/3 definitions]
brant any of several small dark-colored European or North American geese that breed in arctic regions and migrate south in the fall.
bring down to overthrow (something), or cause to fall. [1/3 definitions]
buckle to bend or fall apart. [1/6 definitions]
capillarity the tension between contacting surfaces of a liquid and a solid that causes the liquid to rise or fall; capillary action.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall. [1/2 definitions]
cast to cause to fall upon a person, object, or idea; shed. [1/18 definitions]
cave in to fall in or sink in. [1/2 definitions]
colchicum any of various plants of the lily family, usu. blooming in the fall; autumn crocus. [1/2 definitions]
collapse to fall down; give way; cave in. [1/5 definitions]
come a cropper to fall or tumble, esp. from a horse. [1/2 definitions]
concussion an injury to the brain caused by a heavy blow, fall, or shock. [1/2 definitions]
crash1 to decline suddenly or fall, as a financial market or currency. [1/17 definitions]