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Dictionary Suite
celebrity fame. [1/2 definitions]
eminent standing above others in fame or achievement; outstanding.
eternize to give everlasting fame to; immortalize. [1/2 definitions]
flourish to be in a period of highest strength, influence, fame or the like. [1/10 definitions]
glorious having or meriting great praise, fame, honor, or glory; illustrious. [1/4 definitions]
glory great honor, praise, or fame. [1/2 definitions]
immortal never dying; living forever. [2 definitions]
immortality lasting fame. [1/2 definitions]
immortalize to make immortal; endow with unending life or fame.
in the ascendant increasing or advancing in power, wealth, or fame.
metonymy a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is used in place of something else with which it is associated, such as "the grape" for wine, "laurels" for fame, or "the law" for a police officer.
platform an opportunity to raise or discuss an issue with the public, esp. due to having fame or holding an important public position. [1/6 definitions]
put on the map make famous or celebrated (used esp. of obscure places that gain sudden fame by association with a celebrated person or event).
renown wide honor and acclaim; fame.
resound to have widespread fame or influence. [1/5 definitions]
Roberto Clemente U.S. professional baseball player, the first Hispanic American to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame; born Roberto Walker Clemente (b.1934--d.1972).
rock star a performer of rock-'n'-roll music who has gained great popularity and fame; rock-'n'-roll star.
self-aggrandizement the act or process of purposefully increasing one's own power, riches, fame, or the like.
Seneca Falls a village and township located in central New York State, where the first U.S. women's rights convention was held (1848), now home to the Women's Rights National Historical Park and the National Women's Hall of Fame.
star a performer or athlete who is considered to be outstanding, esp. one who has gained fame among the public. [1/11 definitions]