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Dictionary Suite
airfare fare for traveling by aircraft, esp. by airplane.
cab1 a car that carries people who need a ride and pay a fare for this; taxicab. [2/3 definitions]
come off to fare in a certain (specified) way, esp. in a fight or contest. [1/6 definitions]
excursion a group tour taken for pleasure, often at a lower fare. [1/2 definitions]
farewell "may you fare well"; "good-bye and good wishes." [1/2 definitions]
hold up to fare; manage. [1/5 definitions]
taximeter a mechanical device installed in taxicabs that automatically calculates the distance driven and the fare owed.
tick1 to record the mounting of (a fee or fare), as a meter. [1/7 definitions]
ticket a small, usu. narrow slip of thin cardboard or paper, serving as evidence of prepayment of the fare, fee, or admission price of some event, service, or the like. [1/10 definitions]
transportation the fee charged for being transported; fare. [1/6 definitions]