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agrarian pertaining to farming, or to farmers or farmers' groups and concerns. [1/4 definitions]
agricultural having to do with agriculture or farming.
agriculture the science or activity of farming. Agriculture includes raising crops and animals for food.
Amish a Christian sect that separated from the Mennonites in the seventeenth century, the members of which advocate simple living and now live mostly in farming areas of the northeastern United States. [1/3 definitions]
aquaculture the farming of plants and animals that live in water.
biodynamic1 of or relating to a form of agriculture that applies mystical and astrological practices to farming and treats soil fertility, plant growth, and animal care as ecologically interrelated tasks. [1/2 definitions]
biodynamic2 a form of organic farming that is holistic and applies mystical and astrological practices. [1/2 definitions]
Ceres the goddess of farming in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology, Ceres is called Demeter.
country the land surrounding towns and cities, often used for farming. [1/5 definitions]
county agent a person employed by the government in rural areas to advise and educate in farming, managing natural resources, home economics, and the like; agricultural agent.
Demeter the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres.
disk harrow a farming implement having sharp circular blades set at various angles to breakup plowed soil before planting.
dry farming a kind of farming practiced in arid regions without irrigation by growing drought-resistant crops or covering them with mulch or other substances to prevent the soil's moisture from evaporating.
factory farming a strictly controlled system of livestock farming in which animals are confined indoors under high density conditions to reduce costs and increase output.
Four-H club an organization in the U.S. that teaches young people about farming and how to take care of a home. Four-H clubs are so named because they are meant to improve the heads, hearts, hands, and health of their members.
husbandry the cultivation of land and raising of crops and farm animals; farming. [1/3 definitions]
kibbutz an Israeli farming settlement whose ownership is shared by those who live and work there.
Neolithic (sometimes l.c.) designating the latter part of the Stone Age, from about 8,000 B.C. to about 3,500 B.C., characterized by the use of polished stone tools and the beginnings of farming.
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
pisciculture the breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish as a science or industry; fish farming.
sabbatical year among the ancient Jews, every seventh year, during which farming ceased. [1/2 definitions]