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attach to join, fasten, or connect.
batten2 to secure or fasten using battens (usu. fol. by "down"). [1/4 definitions]
begird to fasten around; encircle.
belay in mountain climbing, to fasten (a rope) either to a person or to a thing offering a secure support. [1/6 definitions]
bind to tie together or fasten tightly with a rope or cord. [1/4 definitions]
buckle to join or fasten with this device. [1/2 definitions]
buckle up (informal) to fasten one's safety belt, as in a car or airplane.
button to fasten with buttons. [1/3 definitions]
catch to take hold; fasten. [1/18 definitions]
cement to glue or fasten with cement. [1/3 definitions]
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something. [2/5 definitions]
clamp a device used to fasten, support, or press together two or more objects or pieces. [2/3 definitions]
clasp a device with two parts that fit together, used to fasten something. [2/4 definitions]
clinch to fasten by means of clinched nails. [1/8 definitions]
cotter pin a split pin with ends that can be spread apart to fasten it in place after it is inserted through a slot or hole.
couple to pair (one thing with another) or fasten together as a pair; connect. [1/6 definitions]
diaper underwear for a baby made of soft cloth or paper. You fold a diaper between the legs and fasten it at the waist.
dowel a peg or pin that is placed into corresponding holes in two pieces of wood in order to fasten them together. [2/3 definitions]
eyelet a small hole in cloth or leather with bound or covered edges. An eyelet is used to pass cord or thread through, fasten hooks into, or serve as decoration.
fastener something used to fasten, such as a clip, button, pin, latch, or the like.
fastening that which is used to fasten or secure, such as a hook or clasp.