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adipose of, resembling, or pertaining to animal fat; fatty. [2 definitions]
batten1 to grow fat; thrive. [1/3 definitions]
blubber the layer of fat beneath the skin of whales, seals, and other large sea mammals. [2 definitions]
blubbery fat or swollen. [1/3 definitions]
body fat fat in a person's body, or the concentration of fat in a person's body.
braise to cook slowly in a small amount of liquid in a covered pot, esp. after sauteeing in fat.
butter a solid yellow fat made from milk.
butterfat the fat of milk, from which butter is made.
chyle a light-colored fluid containing emulsified fat that is formed from chyme in the small intestine and that is absorbed by the lacteals and passed into the bloodstream.
cocoa a powder made by grinding the dried seeds of the cacao tree and removing the fat. [1/3 definitions]
cocoa butter a yellowish white fat derived from cacao seeds that is used in cosmetics, soaps, pharmaceuticals, and confections.
connective tissue tissue in the body, such as fat, cartilage, or bone, that holds together and supports organs and other tissues.
corpulence the state of being very fat; obesity.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
crackling (usu. pl.) the crispy bits that are left after poultry or pork fat has been rendered. [1/3 definitions]
cream the part of whole milk that contains fat. Butter is made from cream. [1/2 definitions]
croquette a cake or patty of minced food such as fish, usu. held together with eggs or a thick sauce, coated with bread crumbs, and fried in deep fat.
deep-fry to fry in a deep pan with enough fat or oil to cover what is being cooked.
dough a thick mixture of flour or meal and a liquid such as water or milk that is prepared for baking into bread, cookies, or the like. Dough typically also includes some type of oil or fat. [1/3 definitions]
doughnut a small, sweet cake shaped like a ring that is cooked in deep fat.
dubbin a mixture of oil and fat used to soften and waterproof leather.