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Abraham according to the Old Testament, the first of the postdiluvian patriarchs, father of Isaac, and ancestor of the Hebrews.
Atreus in Greek mythology, king of Mycenae and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.
aunt the sister of one's mother or father, or the wife of one's uncle.
beget to generate (offspring); cause to begin life, esp. to father. [1/2 definitions]
brother a male person who has the same mother or father as another person.
Cepheus in Greek mythology, the king who was Cassiopeia's husband and Andromeda's father. [1/2 definitions]
Cronus in Greek mythology, a Titan who becomes ruler of the world by overthrowing his father Uranus, but is then overthrown by his son, Zeus; Saturn.
dad (informal) father.
daddy (informal) father.
Electra complex in Freudian psychoanalysis, the unconscious desire of a daughter for sexual gratification from her father, or her wish to take her mother's place in her father's affections. (Cf. Oedipus complex.)
Eurymos father of the prophet Telemos.
father figure a person whom one thinks of and responds to as a father.
fatherhood the state or fact of being a father. [2 definitions]
father-in-law the father of a person's wife or husband.
fatherless having no living biological father. [2 definitions]
fatherly of or appropriate to a father.
grandfather the father of a person's mother or father.
grandmother the mother of a person's father or mother.
grandparent the father or mother of one's parent; a grandmother or grandfather.
great-grandfather the grandfather of a person's mother or father.
great-grandmother the grandmother of a person's mother or father.