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accommodate to do a favor for; meet the needs of by changing one's own plans. [1/3 definitions]
advocate to speak or act in favor of. [2 definitions]
animal rights a movement that works for the rights of animals. People in favor of animal rights believe that animals should not be hurt or killed just to make the lives of humans easier.
apple-polish to try to gain favor with someone by means of flattery.
approval favor, sanction, or positive regard. [1/2 definitions]
argument a reason in favor of or against something. [1/2 definitions]
bask to experience and enjoy approval or favor. [1/3 definitions]
beg to ask a favor of; to plead for. [1/3 definitions]
blarney skillful or smooth talk, often with some deceit and in an effort to gain favor from the listener. [1/2 definitions]
bless to ask for favor from God. [1/3 definitions]
blessed worthy of divine favor. [1/4 definitions]
blessing a special favor or gift. [2/3 definitions]
boon1 something beneficial, as a favor or blessing.
boondoggle a valueless project funded by the government solely as a political favor. [1/3 definitions]
bootlick to seek favor by abasing oneself to (someone); toady.
champion someone who speaks or acts in favor of a person or cause. [2/3 definitions]
come down to make a judgment in favor of one side or another. [1/9 definitions]
compliment to display affection or respect by a gift or favor. [1/5 definitions]
conquest a person whose love or favor has been captured. [1/3 definitions]
contact a person considered useful or valuable as a means of gaining favor, getting specialized information, or of exerting influence; connection. [1/8 definitions]
counsel to advise in favor of; advocate. [1/6 definitions]