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Dictionary Suite
digger (usu. cap.) one of a group of English reformists of 1649 who favored the abolition of private property, or a member of a similar American group of the 1960s and 1970s. [1/3 definitions]
double standard any standard set of principles or code of behavior applied in such a way that one group is favored over another, such as men over women or whites over blacks.
elect a person or persons said to be favored by God or selected for eternal life (prec. by "the"). [1/8 definitions]
Eurocommunism a type of communism favored in some Western European nations, claimed to be independent of the Russian Communist party.
fair-haired (informal) favored by someone with seniority, authority, or influence. [1/2 definitions]
favorite son a man highly esteemed and favored by his hometown or native area because of specific accomplishments. [1/2 definitions]
Federalist party an early U.S. political party that favored adoption of the Constitution and a strong federal government.
grace in some religions, esp. Christianity, the condition of being favored, loved, or saved by God, esp. if this favor is unearned. [1/10 definitions]
hapless not favored by chance; unlucky; unfortunate.
know-nothing (caps.) a member of a secret American political organization of the mid-nineteenth century, who favored barring immigrants and Roman Catholics from political office, and who professed public ignorance of the organization's activities. [1/2 definitions]
minion someone who is particularly well regarded or favored. [1/2 definitions]
pet1 especially favored; favorite. [1/5 definitions]
prime ribs (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a widely favored cut of beef, coming from the seven ribs in front of the loin.
quarter horse any of a breed of saddle horses developed for quarter-mile racing and favored for their quickness, strength, and versatility.
reverse discrimination discrimination against previously favored groups, such as whites, Protestants, or males.
top dog (informal) a person, team, group, nation, or the like that is in a dominant, authoritative, leading, or favored position, esp. among competitors.
Tory during the American Revolution, an American who favored the continuation of colonial rule by the British or who favored the establishment of a monarchy. [1/4 definitions]
war hawk one who advocates war, esp. any member of the twelfth U.S. Congress who favored war; hawk.
winner one that wins or is favored to win; victor.