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debilitate to make feeble; weaken.
decrepitude a weakened, feeble, or dilapidated condition, esp. owing to long use or old age.
dotard one who has become feeble-minded, esp. in old age.
enfeeble to take away the strength of; make feeble, as from age or disease.
faint weak, feeble, or slight. [1/5 definitions]
imbecility the state or condition of being an imbecile; feeble-mindedness. [1/2 definitions]
meager low in quantity, extent, strength, or richness; scanty or feeble. [1/2 definitions]
nurse someone who cares for the sick or feeble, esp. under the guidance of a doctor. [1/11 definitions]
pale faint; feeble. [1/5 definitions]
puny very small or weak; feeble.
sickly insipid or feeble. [1/5 definitions]
wan lacking strength or vigor; feeble. [1/3 definitions]
weakly feeble; weak; sickly. [1/2 definitions]
weak-minded mentally retarded; feeble-minded. [1/2 definitions]
whine a feeble but annoying complaint. [1/6 definitions]
wishy-washy indefinite, undecided, or feeble, as a person or utterance. [1/2 definitions]