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bark beetle a small weevil, the adults and larvae of which burrow under the bark of conifers and other trees to feed on the inner bark, often causing great damage.
bee fly any of several two-winged flies that resemble bees and that feed on pollen and nectar.
bite of insects or similar small creatures, to break into the skin of (a human or other mammal) in order to feed on blood. [1/10 definitions]
bookworm any of various insect larvae that infest and feed on the bindings of books. [1/2 definitions]
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way. [2 definitions]
bug an insect with front wings that are thick at the base and thin at the tip. There are many kinds of bugs. All have mouths made for sucking, and most feed on plants. [1/6 definitions]
cabbage butterfly any of several common white butterflies, the green larvae of which feed on cabbage and related plants.
cankerworm any of several moth larvae that feed on fruit and foliage often destroying fruit and shade trees.
caracara any of several large, long-legged birds, related to hawks and found from the southern United States to South America, that feed on carrion or live prey.
carpet beetle any of several small beetles whose larvae feed on and damage furs and woolens.
codling moth a small moth, found nearly worldwide, whose larvae feed on apples, pears, and the like.
desman either of two molelike aquatic mammals found in eastern Europe and western Asia that feed on insects and have webbed feet and a long snout.
dung beetle any of various beetles that feed on and breed in dung; scarab.
earthworm any of various long segmented worms that burrow in soil and feed on decaying organic matter.
flea a tiny insect that does not have wings but can jump far. Fleas feed on the blood of the animals they bite.
flycatcher any of various related European or American birds that feed on insects caught in the air.
follow to subscribe to a news feed on a website. [1/15 definitions]
fruit fly any of numerous small flies whose larvae feed on ripe fruits and vegetables.
goatsucker any of several mostly nocturnal birds that have large mouths and feed on insects or fruit, such as the whippoorwill and nightjar.
graze1 to feed on growing grass. [3/2 definitions]
ground beetle any of numerous, usu. dark beetles that are often found under rocks, fallen logs, or debris and that feed on other insects.