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bozo (slang) a guy; fellow. [1/2 definitions]
brethren a plural form of "brother," used to refer to fellow members of a religious or social group, society, or profession, and used esp. when addressing a formal gathering of such members; colleagues. [1/2 definitions]
bro (informal) shortened form of "brother," used as an informal term of address for a fellow male who is considered to be close.
chap2 (informal) a man or boy; fellow.
compatriot a fellow citizen. [1/2 definitions]
comrade a fellow member of an organization, esp. of the Communist party. [1/2 definitions]
comrade in arms a fellow soldier.
confrere a fellow member of a profession, fraternity, or the like.
coopt to elect as a fellow member of a body. [1/2 definitions]
copartner an associate or fellow partner, as in a business enterprise.
coreligionist a person who follows the same religion as another; fellow worshiper.
coworker one of two or more people who work together; fellow worker.
dog (informal) a fellow. [1/6 definitions]
fella (informal) fellow; a man or boy, often a friend, boyfriend, or associate.
fellow-man a fellow member of the human race.
floor leader the legislator chosen by fellow party members to direct party actions on the floor of a legislative assembly, esp. in the U.S. Congress.
guy1 (informal) a boy or man; fellow. [1/2 definitions]
hearty a brave fellow or workmate, esp. a sailor. [1/6 definitions]
humane showing compassion in treating one's fellow creatures; kind; merciful. [1/2 definitions]
John (usually l.c.) a fellow; guy. [1/5 definitions]
neighbor a fellow human. [1/4 definitions]