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All Saints' Day in some Christian churches, a festival on November 1 that celebrates all the saints; Allhallows.
ascension (cap.) the festival commemorating this event, held on the fortieth day after Easter; Ascension Day. [1/3 definitions]
Bacchanalia an ancient Roman festival celebrating Bacchus, the god of wine. [1/2 definitions]
Easter a yearly Christian festival that is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [2 definitions]
feast (often cap.) a periodic event or occasion, esp. a religious festival, commemorating some person or occurrence, such as a saint's day. [1/6 definitions]
feast day (often cap.) a periodic commemorative event or occasion, esp. a religious festival celebrating a saint or holy occurrence.
festal of or suited to a feast, festival, or celebration.
festival of or suited to a festival. [1/4 definitions]
festivity a celebration; festival. [2 definitions]
fete a festival. [1/3 definitions]
fiesta a festival or religious celebration in nations where Spanish is spoken.
Halloween October 31. Halloween is celebrated by children who dress up in costumes and go from house to house begging for treats or playing tricks. In the Christian calendar, Halloween is the night before All Saints' Day, a festival celebrated by some Christian churches.
Hanukkah a Jewish festival that runs for eight days in December in which a special candle is lit each night. Hanukkah celebrates the anniversary of the dedication of the temple at Jerusalem and the miracle of the lamp.
holiday a religious feast or festival; holy day. [1/5 definitions]
Kiddush (Hebrew) a prayer recited over wine and bread on the eve of a Sabbath or a festival.
Kwanzaa an African-American festival, celebrating family, community, and culture, held from December 26 to January 1.
Maccabees the members of a ruling Jewish family who defeated the Syrians in 167 B.C. and rededicated the temple in Jerusalem, these events being commemorated in the festival of Hanukkah.
Martinmas a Christian church festival held on November 11 in honor of St. Martin.
-mas celebration, feast, or festival.
Michaelmas September 29, a festival celebrated in honor of the archangel Michael.
Passover a Jewish festival, beginning on the fourteenth day of Nisan and lasting seven or eight days, that celebrates the escape of the ancient Hebrews from Egypt.