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benefice land held by a feudal tenant as a return for services to the owner. [1/3 definitions]
Bushido (sometimes l.c.) the behavioral code of the feudal Japanese samurai, which stressed the value of honor above life.
castle a large, fortified residence of nobles in feudal times, sited to dominate the surrounding countryside. [2/6 definitions]
fealty the loyalty pledged by a vassal to a feudal lord and considered as binding. [1/2 definitions]
feudatory a person who has been granted land under a feudal system, or the land he holds. [2 definitions]
fief a landholding granted by a lord to a vassal in a feudal system.
homage a formal, public pledge of allegiance to a feudal lord by a tenant or vassal. [1/2 definitions]
liege a feudal lord or sovereign entitled to allegiance and service. [3/4 definitions]
liegeman a feudal vassal; subject. [1/2 definitions]
ninja a specially trained feudal Japanese warrior used as a spy, assassin, or saboteur.
prefeudal combined form of feudal.
quitrent rent paid by a feudal freeholder in the place of services otherwise required.
robber baron a feudal nobleman who robbed travelers passing through his domain. [1/2 definitions]
ronin a feudal Japanese soldier, no longer in the service of a lord but operating independently, often as a wandering bandit.
samurai a member of the elite military class of feudal Japan. [2 definitions]
seigneur (sometimes cap.) a man of rank, esp. a feudal lord. [1/2 definitions]
seignior a noble or lord, esp. one in feudal times who controlled a fief.
serf in feudal societies, a person who is held in servitude on a lord's land and who may be sold or otherwise transferred with the land. [1/2 definitions]
suzerain an overlord in former feudal systems. [1/2 definitions]
thane in feudal Scotland, a lord and chief of a clan. [1/2 definitions]
vassal in the Middle Ages, one who was granted the use of land in return for allegiance and service to a feudal lord. [1/2 definitions]