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ahem a sound as of clearing the throat, used to attract notice, express doubt, or fill in a pause.
anticipate to accomplish or fulfill in advance. [1/3 definitions]
caulk to fill in cracks with putty or tar to keep air or water from leaking through.
grout a coarse mortar used to fill in the crevices between tiles or in masonry or stonework. [1/2 definitions]
heap to give or fill in large amounts (usually followed by "on" or "upon"). [1/5 definitions]
point to fill in (masonry) with a cementing substance. [1/18 definitions]
pug2 to fill in or cover with clay or mortar, esp. as a method of soundproofing. [1/2 definitions]
write to fill in the spaces of or cover with writing. [1/6 definitions]