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account an arrangement wherein a bank or other financial institution holds a customer's deposited funds so that the funds are safe but can be accessed at any time by the customer, or the conception of this arrangement as a container for the funds that are kept. [1/16 definitions]
accountant a person who examines and maintains the financial records of individuals or businesses.
accounting the profession, system, or activity of recording and maintaining the records of financial transactions of individuals or businesses.
alimony financial support given by one separated or divorced spouse to the other, usu. by legal agreement. [1/2 definitions]
applicant one who applies for something such as a job, college admission, or financial aid.
arbitrage the purchase of a security or commodity in one financial market and its immediate resale in a different market, used as a way to profit from the difference in market prices. [1/3 definitions]
arrears the state of being delinquent in the payment of financial obligations (usu. prec. by "in"). [1/2 definitions]
audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination. [1/4 definitions]
backing help or support, esp. financial support. [1/3 definitions]
bailout a providing of financial aid, usu. by a government to a failing company or institution. [1/3 definitions]
balance sheet a financial statement of an individual's or business's assets and liabilities on a given date.
blue chip a high-priced common stock, valued for the company's financial strength and earnings record. [1/3 definitions]
book (usually plural) a financial or business record. [1/3 definitions]
bookkeeper the person who keeps the financial records for a business.
book value the value of a business, asset, share of stock, or the like, as shown in the financial accounting records. (Cf. market value.)
bottom line (informal) the final figure or lowest line in a financial statement, showing net profit or loss. [1/2 definitions]
bread-and-butter providing the basic financial support. [1/2 definitions]
break the bank (informal) to bring someone or something to financial ruin.
bring home the bacon to provide the major financial support for one's household.
budget-friendly of a product for sale, allowing one to stay within one's financial budget if purchased; reasonably priced; affordable.
capital1 relating to financial capital. [1/10 definitions]