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Baltimore oriole an orange and black North American songbird that builds finely woven, pendant nests.
bijou something small and finely wrought; elegant trinket. [1/2 definitions]
bladderwort any of a large group of mostly aquatic plants with small bladders on their finely divided leaves that trap their prey.
bombazine a finely woven twill cloth of silk or rayon with wool, often dyed black for use as mourning clothes.
carbon black any of various finely divided forms of carbon obtained from the incomplete burning of natural gas or petroleum oil, and used to make ink, pigments, and rubber, and as a filtering agent.
cigarette a short, narrow tube of thin paper containing finely cut, cured tobacco for smoking.
coconut palm a tall, tropical palm tree that has finely divided leaves and that bears coconuts.
colloid in chemistry, a suspension of a very finely ground or divided substance in a gas, liquid, or solid, such that suspended particles tend not to settle out. [2/3 definitions]
confectioners' sugar very finely powdered sugar with cornstarch added to prevent caking, used in making baked goods, candies, and the like.
crackleware ceramic, porcelain, or the like, with a finely cracked glaze or surface.
craze to become finely cracked, as a glazed surface. [1/6 definitions]
devil to prepare (food such as eggs or ham) by chopping finely and adding spicy seasoning. [1/8 definitions]
Dutchman's-breeches an herb of eastern North America with finely divided leaves and yellow, pink, or whitish double-spurred flowers.
duxelles a mixture of finely chopped mushrooms, shallots, and seasonings sautéed until all liquid has evaporated and used esp. in sauces and stuffings.
egg roll a thin flat square of egg dough that is folded like an envelope around finely chopped raw vegetables and shredded pork or shrimp, and then fried in deep fat.
espresso a strong coffee made by forcing pressurized steam through dark-roasted, finely ground coffee beans.
exquisite of exceptional beauty or charm; delicately or finely made. [1/4 definitions]
fine1 finely; into very small pieces. [1/11 definitions]
flour the finely ground meal or powder of wheat or other grain. [1/4 definitions]
forcemeat finely chopped or ground meat, fish, or poultry, often mixed with other foods that act as binders or seasoning, and used as a stuffing.
frond a long, finely divided leaf, as of a fern or certain palms.