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amputate to cut off all or part of (a leg, arm, finger, or toe), esp. surgically.
brass knuckles a band of metal with finger holes that is worn over the knuckles in a fist fight in order to cause greater injury than bare knuckles.
clarinet a woodwind instrument with a reed mouthpiece attached to a long tube with finger holes and keys along its length.
cubit an ancient unit of length equal to about seventeen to twenty-two inches, or the length from the elbow to the end of the middle finger.
dactyl a finger or toe. [1/2 definitions]
dial a movable disk with numbered finger holes on some older telephones. A telephone dial allows the caller to select the numbers being called by turning the disk. [1/6 definitions]
digit a finger or toe. [1/2 definitions]
digital of, pertaining to, using, or resembling a digit, esp. a finger. [1/5 definitions]
felon2 a serious infection of the finger or toe, usu. near the nail.
fillip to strike by suddenly releasing a finger that has been held down with the thumb. [2/5 definitions]
finger one of the five jointed parts at the end of the hand. Sometimes the thumb is not counted as a finger. [2/3 definitions]
fingernail a hard, clear piece that grows at the end of the finger.
fingerprint a mark made by the tip of a finger on an object that it has touched. Police and hospital records keep fingerprints made by a finger dipped in ink. These are used for identification, because no two people have the same fingerprint. [1/2 definitions]
fingertip the extreme tip of the finger.
first finger the finger next to the thumb; forefinger; index finger.
flageolet a small vertical flute with a fipple, four finger holes, and two thumb holes. [1/2 definitions]
flick a sharp, light blow or stroke, as with a finger, brush, whip, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
flute a woodwind instrument with a high pitch. It is a long tube with finger holes or keys along it and is played by blowing into a hole near one end.
forefinger the finger next to the thumb; index finger.
give someone the finger (slang) to express anger or contempt by extending the middle finger upward.
glove a covering for the hand that has separate parts for each finger and the thumb.