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Dictionary Suite
accomplished finished; completed. [1/3 definitions]
accomplishment something that has been successfully finished, completed, or achieved. [1/3 definitions]
advance money paid before work is finished. [1/8 definitions]
all over with completed; finished.
assembly line a way of putting together a product in a factory. The product moves along a line of people, and each person adds a part until the product is finished.
be over to be finished; to have reached a conclusion (sometimes used to indicate great finality or that all efforts to change the conclusion are useless).
breeze (informal) a simple or quickly finished task. [1/3 definitions]
bye1 a short, informal way of saying good-bye. People often say "bye" when they are leaving each other or when they are finished talking on the telephone.
carry out to do; to work on until finished. [1/3 definitions]
complete finished; ended. [1/6 definitions]
completion the condition of being finished or made whole. [1/2 definitions]
converter one that converts raw materials into finished products. [1/5 definitions]
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the resulting set of features of a plan or outline in the finished product. [1/11 definitions]
diploma an official piece of paper stating that a student has earned a degree or finished a course of study. High schools, colleges, and universities give out diplomas.
done finished; completed; accomplished. [1/4 definitions]
double-faced having two faces, fronts, or finished surfaces. [1/2 definitions]
draft a piece of writing or a picture that needs more work to be finished. [1/3 definitions]
drivethrough a means by which customers can do business with an establishment at its premises without exiting their vehicles. This mechanism generally consists of a window to the establishment where business is conducted and a specially designated lane by which cars or other vehicles can access the window and exit once business is finished. [1/3 definitions]
edit to correct, cut, add to, or change with the goal of producing a finished piece of writing or a film.
end product the final or finished product, as of an industry, chemical reaction, or growth process.
finalize to put into finished form; make complete or definite.