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ablaze on fire. [2 definitions]
accelerant a substance capable of accelerating a process, such as the spreading of a fire.
afire burning; on fire. [1/2 definitions]
aflame on fire; blazing. [1/2 definitions]
afterdamp a suffocating gas or mixture of gases that remains in a mine after a methane explosion or fire.
air rifle a rifle operated by compressed air, used to fire small pellets or the like.
ammonium carbonate a white powder that is used in baking powder, smelling salts, and substances for fire-extinguishing.
asbestos a mineral that separates into fibers and does not catch fire or conduct electricity. Asbestos is used to make fireproof materials and insulation.
ax to remove suddenly; fire. [1/4 definitions]
backfire a fire started to prevent a larger fire from spreading. [1/4 definitions]
baking soda a white powder used as a leavening agent in baking, an antacid, a mouthwash, and a fire extinguisher; sodium bicarbonate.
baptism of fire a soldier's first experience of being in combat and under fire. [1/2 definitions]
barbecue an outdoor party at which meat and vegetables are cooked over an open fire. [2/3 definitions]
BBQ abbreviation of "barbeque," a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire.
bellows (used with a singular or plural verb) a bag that can be expanded to draw air in and squeezed to force air out. Bellows are used to blow air on a fire or produce sound on a musical instrument.
blaze1 a strong outburst of fire or emotion. [2/4 definitions]
blockhouse a fort or building with openings for weapons to fire through, formerly built of heavy wood boards. [1/2 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [1/2 definitions]
bonfire a large fire built outside for celebration or warmth.
brigade a group of persons gathered or organized for a specific purpose such as to fight a fire, support a cause, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
brush fire a fire in an area of bushes and shrubs. [1/2 definitions]