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alapana in Indian music, the detailed exposition of a raga, in which the general flavor of the raga is introduced.
boysenberry a fruit resembling a blackberry in appearance and a raspberry in flavor. [1/2 definitions]
brandy to flavor, combine, or preserve with brandy. [1/2 definitions]
caramel sugar that is heated until it melts and turns brown. Caramel is used to color and flavor foods. [2 definitions]
chili the pod of a tropical pepper plant. Chili has a strong, sharp flavor. [1/2 definitions]
chili pepper the pod of a tropical pepper plant. A chili pepper has a strong, sharp flavor that makes food spicy when it is added to it.
cilantro the young leaves and delicate stems of the coriander plant used as an herb for flavor or garnish.
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used to flavor food or drink.
condiment a kind of food that you eat with another food to add flavor. Some popular condiments are ketchup and mustard.
cream soda a soft drink, lightly colored, of vanilla flavor.
decoct to extract a flavor or essence from, by boiling.
embitter to make the flavor of (something) bitter or bitterer. [1/2 definitions]
essence a concentrated substance taken from a plant that keeps its scent, flavor, or other special traits. [1/2 definitions]
essential oil any rapidly evaporating oil that gives a characteristic odor or flavor to a plant, flower, or fruit, used in making perfumes, flavorings, and the like.
flat1 having little interest, energy, or flavor; dull. [1/12 definitions]
flavor to give a flavor to. [1/3 definitions]
flavorful rich in flavor; savory; tasty.
flavoring something added that gives a particular flavor.
flavorless combined form of flavor.
flavour a spelling of "flavor" used in Canada and Britain. See "flavor."
full-bodied characterized by fullness or richness of flavor.