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altocumulus a cloud having rounded, fluffy edges and a white or gray color, found at medium altitudes.
candy floss (chiefly British) a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone; cotton candy.
cotton candy a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone.
cotton wool thin sheets of fluffy, absorbent cotton, used for bandages, quilting, and the like; cotton batting. [1/3 definitions]
cottony covered with soft fluffy fibers. [1/2 definitions]
flocculent like wool; tufted or fluffy. [1/3 definitions]
fuzz loose, light, fluffy matter such as fibers or hairs.
Kleenex trademark for a soft fluffy tissue paper dispensed in individually folded, layered units and used in place of a handkerchief. [1/2 definitions]
plume a feather, esp. a large, colorful, or fluffy one. [1/6 definitions]
thistledown the fluffy, seed-carrying down on the mature flower head of a thistle.