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cryolite a white fluoride of sodium and aluminum, used in the production of aluminum.
fluor calcium fluoride; fluorite. [1/2 definitions]
fluoridate to add a fluoride to, in order to keep teeth healthy.
fluoridation the introduction of controlled amounts of a fluoride into a public water supply as a preventative of tooth decay.
fluorine an extremely reactive chemical element of the halogen group that has nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as fluoride salts, but that can be isolated in pure form as a yellowish, highly toxic gas. (symbol: F)
fluorite a transparent, crystalline, and variously colored mineral that is the chief source of fluorine; calcium fluoride.
fluorosis an abnormal condition, such as mottling of teeth, caused by excess intake of fluoride compounds.
hydrofluoric acid a highly poisonous water solution of hydrogen fluoride, colorless and corrosive, used esp. in etching glass.