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barm yeast foam that appears atop fermenting malt liquors.
bomb a portable container which ejects gas, foam, or poison by way of its own internal pressure. [1/8 definitions]
breaker1 a heavy ocean wave that breaks into foam on the shore or at sea.
cream to foam. [1/14 definitions]
cushion a soft envelope of fabric that is filled with feathers, air, foam rubber, or the like and used for decoration or to make surfaces more comfortable; pillow. [1/5 definitions]
effervesce of a liquid, to emit tiny bubbles, hiss, and foam as gas is released. [1/2 definitions]
foam used as a short form of "foam rubber," a soft, man-made material that feels similar to a sponge. [2/6 definitions]
foamable combined form of foam.
foamless combined form of foam.
foam rubber a firm, light rubber that feels like sponge. Foam rubber is often used to make seats and mattresses.
foamy made of, full of, or covered with foam. [2 definitions]
fog a gaseous medium in which liquid particles are suspended, such as the spray or foam in some fire extinguishers. [1/8 definitions]
froth to produce froth; foam. [1/2 definitions]
frothy of, covered with, or like foam. [1/2 definitions]
lather foam made by soap or detergent mixed in water. [2/4 definitions]
mantle to be coated, as the surface of a liquid with foam or scum. [1/9 definitions]
mattress a large pad that supports the body while sleeping, made of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as cotton, hair, straw, or foam rubber.
mousse a foam preparation for the hair, esp. to help keep it in place. [1/3 definitions]
polystyrene a hard, clear plastic or rigid foam that can be molded for structural applications.
seethe to foam or bubble as if boiling. [1/4 definitions]
sponge rubber a light porous spongelike rubber used in rubber balls, gaskets, insulation, and the like; foam rubber.