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attention deficit disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often abbreviated "ADHD").
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity (often abbreviated as "ADHD").
beside the point not relevant to the main focus of interest or discussion.
bone of contention an issue or matter that causes or is the focus of disagreement.
care concentrated focus or attention. [1/12 definitions]
center to focus or concentrate. [1/7 definitions]
circuit an association of teams, clubs, or other groups having a common focus; league. [1/8 definitions]
concentrate to bring together; focus. [2/5 definitions]
convergence in physiology, the coordinated movement of the eyes to focus on a near object or point. [1/4 definitions]
diffuse characterized by wordiness and lack of focus. [1/9 definitions]
electron lens an electric or magnetic field, or a combination of the two, that is used to focus or deflect an electron beam.
emphasis the most important part; focus of interest or concern. [1/4 definitions]
engrossed involved or mentally engaged in something to the point of being unable to focus on anything else.
fade-in a gradual increase in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
fade-out a gradual decrease in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
fasten to focus intently or steadily (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/8 definitions]
fixate to focus or concentrate on. [1/5 definitions]
focal of or relating to focus.
foci a plural form of "focus."
focusable combined form of focus.
focusless combined form of focus.